- Through the transition households, small businesses, and communities are recognised and offered fair value for the service they provide to the system
- Energy Consumers Australia counters misinformation by communicating the full range of individual and shared benefits of the transition to net zero to consumers
- All households and small businesses can invest in and access consumer energy resources, regardless of physical circumstances
- Incentives and assistance for electrification for residential and small business renters are in place, with firm plans for all social housing stock to be upgraded

Our work on Ownership
Find out more about our work relating to our target 'Ownership', which focuses on consumers benefiting from the energy transition. Here, you can navigate through the pages or use the search function to find specific work relating to 'Ownership'.

Consumer Energy Report Card

Submission to the National Electricity Market (NEM) Review Initial Consultation

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Real-time data for consumers rule change

Submission to the South Australian Government on the Small Claims Compensation Scheme - Electrical Infrastructure Failure

Our 3-Year Plan

COSBOA: Small Steps. Bright Future

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC): Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment - Directions Paper

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Draft Terms of Reference for Review of Electricity Pricing for a Consumer-Driven Future

PowerUp: Consumer voices in the energy transition

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