- Everybody in financial hardship keeps access to energy
- Measures to assist households in financial stress are delivering effective and sustainable help
- An overarching market obligation - such as a duty of care - ensures that energy products and services are fair and affordable, and consumers are confident they will be protected from harm
- The gap between households and small businesses who can and can't afford their energy bills has demonstrably reduced
- Every community at risk of climate impact has an energy resillience plan which clearly articulates roles and responsibilities

Our work on Justice
Find out more about our work relating to our target 'Justice', which focuses on ensuring consumers have the energy they need. Here, you can navigate through the pages or use the search function to find specific work relating to 'Justice'.

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Improving the Application of Concessions to Bills Consultation Paper

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Improving the Ability to Switch to a Better Offer Consultation Paper

Consumer Energy Report Card

Joint submission to the Essential Services Commission on the Victorian Default Offer - Request for comment paper

Submission to the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on Enabling an equitable energy transition through the National Energy Equity Framework

Our 3-Year Plan

First Nations-led project invites energy suppliers to be part of the solution

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on the Review of payment difficulty protections in the National Energy Customer Framework

Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on IPART's Final Report on the Future of Embedded Networks in NSW

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