- Households and small businesses pay a fair and affordable price for gas as long as they use it
- Energy markets signal the right investments from the right parties in the right places operating in the right ways at the right times, making them fit for the energy system we have
- The proportion of costs consumers, industry, and governments are paying for the energy transition is publicly available
- Financial and political investment in innovative smart energy solutions for households, small businesses and communities multiplies demonstrably

Our work on Equity
Find out more about our work relating to our target 'Equity', which focuses on ensuring consumers pay a fair share of the energy transition. Here, you can navigate through the pages or use the search function to find specific work relating to 'Equity'.

Consumer Energy Report Card

Submission to Victorian Department of Transport and Planning on Building Electrification – Regulatory Impact Statement

Submission to the National Electricity Market (NEM) Review Initial Consultation

More Australian households turning to all-electric, new survey shows

Joint submission to the Essential Services Commission on the Victorian Default Offer - Request for comment paper

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) - Electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future consultation paper

Consumer Energy Report Card: Consumer perspectives on Australia's energy transition

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the Integrated System Plan (ISP)

Submission to the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on Enabling an equitable energy transition through the National Energy Equity Framework

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